Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Bail Agents For Felons

As I career criminal, I've had my fair share of people helping me get out of the slammer.  I've met all kinds of bail agents: shady and crooked to the model citizen who truly cares about your well being.  Hate to brake it to you, but not every company you call is willing to help you out.  You see, a felony is the most serious of crimes in Texas. This means whatever you've been charged with, it's pretty bad.  And as you guessed it, not all companies want to help the really bad guys get out of jail. So I'm here to help you increase the odds of finding someone to get out of jail and back to your job at the local mini mart.  You're welcome.

Make Friends With A Bail Bondsman

If you face felony charges and you need help posting bail, you'll need to make friends with the right people.  I've heard McRae Bail Bonds in Texas is great about helping people get out of jail.  See how that works? If you're facing felony charges, it may not be in your nature to make friends with strangers.  But, you need to try to get an inside connection, otherwise you're eating cold turkey and drinking warm milk for the next 7 to 10 months.  The best way to connect with a bail bondsman  is to send them a friendship bracelet and a $25 gift card to Starbucks.  Seriously, these guys work all hours of the day and they love their coffee.  Or you can just look for a BBB recommendation!!

Wait For The Bail Agent to Respond

 Once you send the care package, patiently wait for the company to get back to you.  If an agent is willing to help you, they will visit you in jail and begin to make arrangements to get you out.  If you don't hear back within a couple months, you may want to try another company.  I hope it doesn't get to this point.  I know how difficult it is to sit behind bars, wishing you were at your daughter's ballet recital or your son's t-ball game.  Hang in there.  Your time will come.  If a company agrees to help you, you're going to need to provide the company will several key pieces of information such as a DNA sample, the keys to your lake house and a 50% cash deposit.  I realize these requests seem a little odd, but what's the price of your freedom? Okay. That's what I thought.

24 Hour Bail Bonds

Before you sign an agreement, make sure they are available 24/7, 365 days a year. As an accused felon, awaiting trial, you're going to need someone you can count on every second of every day.  When you're out of jail, you need to make sure you know when you're next court appearance will be and when you're jury trial will begin.  Your friends and company of choice will be your anchor during this time of transition.  Plus, if you have a mental break down at 3 a.m. you want to call your bail bond agent for advice and counseling.  Also, after you post bail  make sure you know what you can and can't do while you're a free man.  For example, if you've been charged with a violent offense, a judge may require you to stay at least 100 yards away from the alleged victim in your case.  If you break the terms of your release, you will head straight back to jail without the possibility of bond.

Bail Bond Agent Requirements

Finding someone you can trust during a time of chaos and confusion is difficult.  In my experience, the best bail bond agents are compassionate, caring and listen to you without interruption.  By law anyone practicing in this particular field must pass a series of exams and mental health evaluations.  These specific guidelines guarantee you will be getting the best help available for your particular circumstances and unique needs.  If you ever need help finding someone to get you out of jail, I routinely accept collect calls from the local jail and will help guide you in the right direction for an big fee.  Sorry, but I'm not running  charity here.  I'd love to hear from you soon!